Thirumana Porutham Calculator
Groom's Details
Bride's Details
💞 Results
Dhina Porutham
Gana Porutham
Sthri Theerka Porutham
Mahendra Porutham
Raasi Porutham
Raasi Adhibadhi Porutham
Yoni Porutham
Vasiya Porutham
Rajju Porutham
Vedhai Porutham
Naadi Porutham
Virutcha Porutham
Thirumana Porutham Calculator
Thirumana Porutham Calculator helps to identify 12 matches for marriage.Thirumana Porutham is a metric to check whether the groom's Jathaka match with Bride's Jathaka for their prosperous life. To check whether the bride and Groom's Raasi and nakshatra do not conflict with each other. It should not have any faults or drawbacks with it.
How to calculate Thirumana Porutham?
In our Hindu culture, we consider 10 Thirumana Porutham for marriage. This website provides you with a tool to calculate 12 Thirumana Porutham / Jathaka Porutham for marriage. For a couple to get married, we check for Jathaka Porutham. It is calculated based on the below-following metrics.
- Dhina Porutham
- Gana Porutham
- Shri Theerka Porutham
- Mahendra Porutham
- Raasi Porutham
- Raasi Adhibadhu Porutham
- Yoni Porutham
- Vasiya Porutham
- Rajju Porutham
- Vedhai Porutham
- Naadi Porutham
- Virutcha Porutham
Dhina Porutham
Dhina Porutham is the first Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Dhina Porutham is also called Nakshatra Porutham. It is an important metric to calculate Thirumana Porutham. For a bride and groom to live a prosperous, peaceful, and healthy life, we check Dhina Porutham. It also defines the similarity of thoughts in the couples.
To check Dhina Porutham
To calculate Dhina Porutham, we require the nakshatras of the bride and groom. From bride's nakshatra count as '1' till the groom's nakshatra. If the outcome number results in one among these (1-2-4-6-8-9-11-13-15-18-20-24-26), then it is considered as best.
Gana Porutham
Gana Porutham is the second Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Gana Porutham defines the characteristic differences, achievements, and good luck in married life. Gana Porutham has 3 splits.
They are:
- Deva Ganam
- Manusha Ganam
- Rakchasha Ganam
There are 27 nakshatras in total. They are equally split as 9 nakshatras for Deva Ganam, Manusha Ganam, and Rakchasa Ganam.
| Nakshatra | Ganam | | ---------- | -------- | | Ashwini, Mirugaseereesam, Punarpoosam, Astham, Poosam, Swathi, Anusham, Thiruvonam, Revathi | Deva Ganam| |Barani, Rohini, Thiruvaadhirai, Pooraadam, Pooram, Poorattaadhi, Uthiram, Uthiraadam, Uthirattaadhi | Manusha Ganam | |Kiruthigai, Magam, Vishagam, Sadhayam, Ayilyam, Avittam, Chithirai, Kaettai, Moolam | Rakchasha Ganam |
To check Gana Porutham
Find the Bride's and Groom's Nakshatra and Ganam using the above table.
| Girl | Boy| Result | |-----|-----|--------| | Deva Ganam | Deva Ganam | Very Good | | Manusha Ganam | Manusha Ganam | Good | | Rakchasha Ganam | Rakchasa Ganam | Good (but not recommended) | | Deva Ganam | Manusha Ganam | Good | | Manusha Ganam | Deva Ganam | Good | | Rakchasha Ganam | Deva Ganam | Bad | | Deva Ganam | Rakchasa Ganam | Good | | Manusha Ganam | Rakchasa Ganam | Bad | | Rakchasa Ganam | Manusha Ganam |Bad |
Sthri Theerka Porutham
Sthri Theerka Porutham is the third Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Sthri Theerka Porutham is checked for health, wealth, and prosperity. Goddess Astalakshmi's grace will be always present for those couples.
To check Sthri Theerka Porutham
To calculate Sthri Theerka Porutham, we require the nakshatras of the bride and groom. From bride's nakshatra count as ' 1' till the groom's nakshatra. If the outcome number is greater than 13 then is considered Very Good. If the outcome number is between 7 - 12, then is considered Good. If the outcome number is less than 7 then it is not recommended.
Mahendra Porutham
Mahendra Porutham is the fourth Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Mahendra Porutham is also an essential metric in Thirumana Porutham. It gives children to the family, long life, and Good luck.
To check Mahendra Porutham
To calculate Mahendra Porutham, we require the nakshatras of the bride and groom. From bride's nakshatra count as ' 1' till the groom's nakshatra. If the outcome number results in one among these (4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25), then it is considered best.
Raasi Porutham
Raasi Porutham is the fifth Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Raasi Porutham is the basic criterion in checking Thirumana Porutham. A person's Raasi and Nakshatra can be calculated using birth time, birth year, and birthplace. As we know, there are twelve Raasi in total.
Counting from Bride's Raasi towards Groom's Raasi, it should not come to 6 or 8 as it denotes Sashtastaga Dosha.
Also resulting numbers in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8) are also not recommended.
If the resulting number in (1, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12) can be considered a good pair.
Raasi Athibadhi Porutham
Raasi Athibadhi Porutham is the sixth Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. The Raasi Athibadi is the reason for all the health, wealth, longevity, and Prosperities in one's life. Each Raasi has a Lord for their position. The Bride's and Groom's Raasi Athibadhi should be either friends or equal for the best results. If the Raasi Athibadi is enemies of each other then it is considered a bad pair.
If either one of the Raasi Athibadi is the enemy of another then it is not recommended.
If Raasi Athibadi Porutham is not matching for a couple. But if there is Raasi Porutham, then Raasi Athibadi Porutham can be neglected.
| Raasi | Raasi Athibadi | |-------|----------------| | Mesham | Mars | | Rishabam | Venus | | Midhunam | Puthan | | Kadagam | Moon | | Simmam | Sun | | Kanni | Mercury | | Thulam | Venus | | Viruchigam | Mars | | Dhanusu | Jupiter | | Magaram | Saturn | | Kumbam | Saturn | | Meenam | Jupiter |
| Lord name | Friends | Equal | Enemy | |--------------|-----------|-------|--------| | Sun | Moon, Mars, Jupiter | Mercury | Saturn Venus | | Moon | Sun, Mercury | Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn | - | | Mars | Sun, Moon, Jupiter | Venus, Saturn | Mercury | | Mercury | Sun, Venus | Mars, Jupiter, Saturn | Moon | | Jupiter | Sun, Moon, Mars | Saturn | Mercury, Venus | | Venus | Mercury, Saturn | Mars, Jupiter | Sun, Moon | | Saturn | Mercury, Venus | Jupiter | Sun, Moon, Mars |
Yoni Porutham
Yoni Porutham is the Seventh Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Among them, Yoni Porutham is considered as very essential. Yoni Porutham is calculated based on the characteristics and traits. In Hindu Culture, Each Nakshatra has the characteristics of an animal.
To check Yoni Porutham
So every Nakshatra is related to an animal. Therefore if there is an enmity between the two animals. (ie. two nakshatras). It means the bride's Nakshatra and Groom's Nakshatra are not the perfect pair for marriage and their married life would be like a cat and mouse.
Also if both nakshatras (Bride's & Groom's nakshatras) are Male animals/ Female animals. Though they don't fight, it is not recommended.
Below are the Nakshatras that are related to an animal
| Nakshatras | Animal | |-------------|--------| | Ashwini | Male Horse | | Barani | Male Elepahant | | Kiruthigai | Female Goat | | Rohini | Male Snake | | Mirugaseereesam | Female Snake | | Thiruvaadhirai | Male Dog | | Punarpoosam | Female Cat | | Poosam | Male Goat | | Ayilyam | Male Cat | | Magam | Male Rat | | Pooram | Female Rat | | Uthiram | Ox | | Astham | Female Buffalo | | Chithirai | Male Tiger | | Swathi | Male Bufffalo | | Vishagam | Female Tiger | | Anusham | Female Deer | | Kaettai | Reindeer | | Moolam | Female Dog | | Pooraadam | Male Monkey | | Uthiraadam | mangoose | | Thiruvonam | Female Monkey | | Avittam | Female Lion | | Sadhayam | Female Horse | | Poorattaadhi | Male Lion | | Uthirattaadhi | Cow | | Revathi | Female Elephant |
Non-matching pair| | |--------------------|--------------------| | Uthiraadam | Rohini, Mirugaseereesam | | Barani, Revathi | Avittam, Poorattaadhi | | Pooraadam, Thiruvonam | Poosam, Kiruthigai | | Anusham, Kaettai | Moolam, Thiruvaadhirai | | Magam, Pooram | Ayilyam, Punarpoosam | | Ashwini, Sadhayam | Swathi, Astham | | Uthiram, Uthirattaadhi | Chithirai, Vishagam | | Rohini, Mirugaseereesam | Magam, Pooram |
Vasiya Porutham
Vasiya Porutham is the eighth Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Vasiyam means attracts. As the name says it is attraction. Vasiya Porutham estimates the love and attraction between married couples. It denoted the understanding nature of the couples
To check Vasiya Porutham
To calculate Vasiya Porutham, Groom's and Bride's Raasi are required. The below following are the best pair for Vasiya Porutham.
The Matching Pairs
| Bride | Groom | |-------|--------| | Mesham | Simmam, Virutchigam | | Rishabam | Kadagam, Thulam | | Midhunam | Kanni | | Kadagam | Virutchigam, Dhanusu | | Simmam | Magaram | | Kanni | Rishabam, Meenam | | Thulam | Magaram | | Virutchigam | Kadagam, Kanni | | Dhanusu | Meenam | | Magaram | Kumbam | | Kumbam | Meenam | | Meenam | Magaram |
Rajju Porutham
Rajju Porutham is the ninth Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Rajju Porutham is the first and foremost in checking for Thirumana Porutham. If the Rajju Porutham is not proper, then the astrologer won't recommend the couple for marriage though there are all other matches for the couple. This is checked for the long life of the couple living together. (Theera Sumangali)
To check Rajju Porutham
There are 27 Nakshatras in total. They are classified into 5 Rajjjus
- Sirasu
- Kanda
- Uthara
- Ooru
- Patha
The last 4 Rajju has been divided into Aarohanam and Avarhohanam. The condition for the Rajju Porutham is that the Bride and the Groom should not have the same Rajju. then it is considered as best pair.
Nowadays, the astrologer is considering the same Rajju but change in Aarohanam / Avarhohanam.
| Nakshatra | | Rajju | |-----------|--|-------| | Mirugaseereesam, Chithirai, Avittam | --| Sirasu | | Rohini, Astham, Thiruvonam | Aarohanam | Kanda | | Thiruvaadhirai, Swathi, Sadhayam | Avarhohanam | Kanda | | Kiruthigai, Uthiram, Uthiraadam | Aarohanam | Uthara | | Punarpoosam, Vishagam, Poorattaadhi | Avarhohanam | Uthara | | Barani, Pooram, Pooraadam | Aarohanam | Ooru | | Poosam, Anusham, Uthirattaadhi | Avarhohanam | Ooru | | Ashwini, Magam, Moolam | Aarohanam | Patha | | Ayilyam, Kaettai, Revathi | Avarhohanam | Patha |
Vedhai Porutham
Vedhai Porutham is the tenth Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Vedhai means suffering/agony. As the name says, we should not pick Groom's/ Bride's Nakshatra that gives suffering to each other.
Here are the few pairs that should not be matched.
Ashwini ⛌ Kaettai
Barani ⛌ Anusham
Kiruthigai ⛌ Vishagam
Rohini ⛌ Swathi
Thiruvaadhirai ⛌ Thiruvonam
Punarpoosam ⛌ Uthiraadam
Poosam ⛌ Pooraadam
Ayilyam ⛌ Moolam
Magam ⛌ Revathi
Pooram ⛌ Uthirattaadhi
Uthiram ⛌ Uthirattaadhi
Astham ⛌ Sadhayam
Naadi Porutham
Naadi Porutham is the eleventh Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. The Nakshatras are linked with arteries. Considering the medical science this Naadi Porutham is checked. Picking the Bride's and Groom's Nakshatra in the same Naadi may lead to some illness. So Astrology science says the bride and Groom should be in different Naadi.
To check Naadi Porutham
The 27 nakshatras are been divided into 3 Naadis. Each Naadi with 9 Nakshatras.
The Bride's and the Groom's Nakshatra should be in different Naadi.
| Nakshatra | Naadi | |------------|-------| | Ashwini, Thiruvaadhirai, Punarpoosam, Uthiram, Astham, Kaettai, Moolam, Sadhayam, Poorattaadhi | Vaadha/Parsuva Naadi | | Barani, Mirugaseereesam, Poosam, Pooram, Avittam, Chithirai, Anusham, Pooraadam, Uthirattaadhi | Pitha/Mathiya Naadi | | Kiruthigai, Rohini, Ayilyam, Magam, Swathi, Vishagam, Uthiraadam, Thiruvonam, Revathi | Samana/Silaethuma Naadi |
Virutcha Porutham
Virutcha Porutham is the twelfth Porutham among the 12 Thiruma Poruthams. Virutcha Porutham defines reproductivity in a married couple. If Yoni, Rajju, and Dhina Porutham are present then Virutcha Porutham can be neglected
To check Virutcha Porutham
In Virutcha Porutham Each Nakshatra is related to a tree. The tree is classified into two types reproducing tree (Paal Virutcham) and Non reproducing tree (Vaira Virutcham).
| Nakshatra | Types | |------------|-------| | Ashwini, Barani, Mirugaseereesam, Ayilyam, Pooram, Swathi, Vishagam, Anusham, Moolam, Avittam, Sadhayam, Poorattaadhi, Uthirattaadhi | Non-reproductive/ Vaira Virutcham | |Kiruthigai, Rohini, Thiruvaadhirai, Punarpoosam, Poosam, Magam, Uthiram, Astham, Chithirai, Kaettai, Pooraadam, Uthiraadam, Thiruvonam, Revathi | Reproductive/ Paal Virutcham |
| Girl | Boy | Result | |-----|------|-------| | Paal | Paal | Best | | Paal | Vaira | Fair | | Vaira | Paal | Sterile | | Vaira | Vaira | Bad |